Who are we?
연혁 - Our Business History
모아수(MOASOO)는 환경부 수질 가이드라인을 준수하며, 깨끗하고 안전한 물을 제공하기 위해 수처리 장비를 설계·생산하는 전문 기업입니다.
"모아수"라는 이름은 "맑고 깨끗한 물을 모으다"라는 의미로, 미래 세대에게 깨끗한 물을 선물하고자 하는 우리의 사명을 담고 있습니다.
모아수는 풍부한 기술력과 경험을 바탕으로, 다양한 제품과 서비스를 통해 여러분의 물 문제를 해결해 드립니다.
MOASOO: Leading Water Solutions.
Our Vision
"Our vision is to become the world's leading provider of water environmental services. Leveraging our expertise and experience, we will deliver innovative and sustainable solutions that meet the diverse needs of our customers around the globe. "
Our Mission
"Our mission is to ensure that future generations have access to clean water and a healthy water environment. We are committed to researching and developing innovative solutions that foster sustainability and uphold environmental responsibility in all our actions. "
Our aim is to become a global leader in water environmental services, which means providing the highest quality products and services to our customers around the world.
We believe that by offering total solutions for water environmental applications, we can help our customers achieve their goals while also advancing the industry as a whole.
When we communicate with our customers, we strive to be clear, responsive, and proactive,
working closely with them to understand their needs and provide solutions that meet or exceed their expectations.
Our dedication to excellence in everything we do, from research and development to customer service,
is what sets us apart as a leader in the water environmental services industry.
Water treatment total solution! We are MOASOO : )